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Buenaventura Art Association
Camerata Pacifica
Focus on the Masters
New West Symphony
Ojai Music Festival
Performances to Grow On
Rubicon Theatre Company
San Buenaventura Artists Union
Studio Channel Islands Art Center
Ventura County Museum of History & Art
Ventura Music Festival

Camerata Pacifica
An ensemble of artistic excellence

Camerata Pacifica is a chamber music ensemble based in Santa Barbara that performs a monthly series of concerts in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Thousand Oaks and San Marino. Founded by Adrian Spence in 1990, the group is composed of 6 core musicians and visiting performers from around the world. The ensemble is distinctive for artistic excellence, an innovative approach to classical music, and a repertoire that ranges from baroque to brand new, from familiar masterworks to works that have yet to become favorites. The goal is to expose the widest possible audience to classical music while revolutionizing popular conceptions of the genre.
[email protected]
805-884-8410 (800) 557-BACH
P.O. Box 30116
Santa Barbara, CA 93130